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Our five year old daughter Autumn was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia in January 2018, which brought our world to a halt. Then, the whirlwind of tests, chemotherapy, frightening side effects, steroids and fear etc. began. Up to this point, she has undergone many weeks of chemotherapy, lumbar punctures and sedations, and is still fighting strong with her beautiful smile lighting up the room wherever she goes. I have had to take a leave from work in order to attend Autumn's appointments and to work with my wife to insure her and our son have as normal a life as possible. Needless to say the strain of a reduced income as well as many new expenses that have come from our new life have been hard to handle. We would like to thank the Ryan Saturno Patient Amenities Fund for assisting us through this rough time for our family. They have helped us to deal with the new found stresses of going through this journey and we are eternally grateful.

- Nathan Brown and Nicole Auger

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